![]() The Colonial Theatre's - Shakespeare in the Park production of MACBETH is up and running, and is being received very well by a diverse audience, nightly, in Wilcox Park. I remain rapt in the wonder of this amazing play. We have a week left, so if you find yourself on the New England Coast and in the mood for something sinisterly Scottish... well... I know just the place! - REVIEWS - "As the usurping king's wheedling and even more ambitious wife, Trask is a formidable presence. Lady Macbeth has a single-track mind on which she speeds her husband to the throne, so she can be performed with uninteresting directness, but not here. The actress makes her shrewd and cunning, with sexuality both masking her savage intentions and providing Macbeth further motivation. When this intense Lady Macbeth tells her husband, who is vacillating about murdering the king, that she would sooner bash out the brains of her suckling babe than not carry through such a serious promise, we believe her." THE BOSTON PHOENIX - Bill Rodreguiz "Emily Trask's Lady Macbeth did me in on several levels... her fearless physicality... She was a slight, red-head, with moments of childlike enthusiasm that cracked her icy stillness...Lady Macbeth is the smartest person she knows [with a] scornful frustration at being so brilliant and so patronized." Live Journal - C.S.E. Cooney "Mark Corkins and Emily Trask are both spot on in their portrayals of the maniacal Macbeths. Individually and together, they have such authority on stage that the audience is with them every moment." The Westerly Sun - by JOHNETTE RODRIGUEZ - July12th, 2012 "Trask really... shines as the play goes on and her character loses her sanity. She flexes her acting muscles as she unleashes her madness, highlighting the darkness of guilt that is a central theme of Shakespeare's play." The Day.Com - Tyler McCarthey - July 17th 2012 Click citation for full review
July 2024